Just Ducky

Last night, I went out with an old friend. Well, she's not really old - it's just that we've been friends for a long time. You knew that already, though, because you are wise - wise beyond your years. Actually, you are wise beyond my years too and that's a whole lotta wise because I've got a whole lotta years. You are pretty too, by the way. Wink. Where was I? Oh yes, I went out last night. So, my friend took me to this seedy hotel and got me drunk in the hotel bar. She even bought my beer. Then, she said all sorts of nice things to me. At least I think she did, things are a little hazy - maybe she slipped me a mickey. One of the things she said is that I write about the mundane very well. I really think that's what she said and not that my writing is mundane. Potato, potahto.  Well, what is more mundane that writing about a shirt? Not much. So, that is exactly what I am going to do. Isn't this exciting?  When I was in high school, I bought a flannel shirt at the Gap that was covered in little ducks. It was a men's shirt and I wore it all the time. Some thought me subversive. Some thought me Lesbian. The Duck Shirt, as it was affectionately known, was a wardrobe staple for me all through high school and college. Finally, it became so worn that it was nothing more than a rag and I had to throw it away. Thankfully...it was immortalized in numerous pictures. I'll share the earliest one I found, another lovely picture from the 80's...








More will follow...I went through an entire ugly men's shirts phase in high school...and in college...and maybe I should look in my closet right now! Until then, tell me about your favorite shirt. I know you have one.