Perchance to Dream...

Last night, I had a very vivid dream. You see, Julianna Margulies was an undercover cop and she was in trouble. So, I had to abandon what I was doing (forging a wrought iron balcony railing, if you must know) in order to go save her. I was with some people (I don't remember who) and we all got in the car to drive over to the apartment where Julianna was in distress. On the way, we passed Zeca walking unattended through a cross walk and we stopped to get her. Then, we drove to the apartment and I entered to rescue dear Julianna. I took Zeca with me which, in retrospect, was not such a good rescuing idea. Anyway, the bad guy takes Zeca and gets in the tub with her. At first, I try to be calm because I don't want him to know that I am there to rescue Julianna, that I know what he has done to Julianna. The water level was very high and he was floating Zeca on her back in the deep water. I knew that he was up to no good and I finally snatched her away, saying, "That water is just too high. It is not safe!" Then, I run into the other room to find Julianna nearly naked getting out of a shower. She tells me that he beat her up and not to believe what he says. I assure her that I would never believe him but tell her to be quiet and play along because we need to leave. She has to go back into the bedroom where the bad guy is because she has to get something. I tell her to hurry. She goes in there and he is lying on the bed under a blanket. He is lying on my gym bag and that makes me mad. He is very still and I think he has a bomb or a gun but, still, pull my gym bag out from under his head. I tell him we are all leaving. He says, "I don't think so!" He pulls out a ball point pen and, as I run out of the room, he shoots a bullet right by my head and it lodges in the wall behind me. I run down the stairs, knowing that I botched Julianna's rescue. Oddly, I don't feel guilty because I know that she would understand. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Anthony LaPaglia and I know that he is working on getting Julianna out of the clutches of the madman. I take my baby and run away, breathing a sigh of relief.

Kristin said...
"Without a Trace"? I would never have guessed.....

8:53 AM

Susan Raffo said...
I think the dream is only about the ballpoint pen - it's a kind of guilt about writing/blogging so much that is preventing you from being a good mother and consumer of People magazine. As a result, your child and Hollywood are both suffering.

9:35 AM

Emptyman said...
Clearly, you dislike your gym bag and are subconsciously looking for an excuse to get a new one.

2:48 PM