NYC Recap

The only thing I have enjoyed more than mocking New York City has been mocking people who like New York City. I have an oppositional streak and, because almost everyone seems to love New York, I've been derisive when it comes to the big apple. I have never had any desire to go to NYC but I went because my mother and sister were going and I wanted to hang out with them. I went because it seemed like a great chance to get away from my daily responsibilities and read a good book. After four days there, I have to say:


I could even imagine living there. I could write a lot about the trip but I am lazy, so, I will just give you a couple of highlights.

One night, my sister struck a deal with a couple of young guys with cycle rickshaws to take us to the Empire State Building. We bounced and weaved through Times Square, around taxis and pedestrians,  and I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. The best part was watching my mother, in another rickshaw, look alternately terrified and ecstatic.

Screaming Mother

If my sister blogged, she would tell you that the highlight of the trip was when the concierge decided to guess the age difference between the two of us. The concierge correctly guessed that my sister is older but guessed that there were only TWO YEARS between us. My sister is actually FOURTEEN years older than I am. Fourteen, people.

Vikki and Patti

It might be time to dye my hair...