Have Fun

I have been a freelance writer for over a year now but I am still figuring out how to stay sane. I spend a lot of time during the day sitting in front of my computer while Luisa sits in front of hers but, when she is gone, I might go a few days without having any real life adult interaction. Texting is a great way to stay connected to friends but it can't be the only connection. Sometimes, you need to get out of the house and do something silly with a friend - have lunch or coffee and have some laughs. Sometimes, a writer needs to go out into the world and forget about narrative arcs and commas. I did that yesterday. I had lunch and coffee with a friend and then went shopping…for nothing in particular. When the day was over, neither of us had purchased a single thing but we shared plenty of laughs. And, if I hadn't gotten out of the house, I wouldn't have been able to share some of the absurdity of real life with you here today...


Who doesn't want to smell like smoked meat? Armpits are delicious.



Why leave a horse head in someone's bed when you can gay it up with a unicorn head?


Beware the crow and her friend, the pigeon.


When the outside matches the inside...


How can life not seem better when these exist?


And sometimes, we find messages in the most unlikely places. Heed the lesson of the coconut, people.