Fashion Friday Plus

Today is the day - I am leaving for the MS150 this afternoon. We will leave Duluth tomorrow morning and bike about 75 miles. Then, we'll pitch a tent, sleep on the cold hard ground, and get up Sunday morning and bike another 75 miles. Crazy fun! Actually...just crazy. When I decided to do this, I had big training plans and believed I would be prepared. Well, I didn't really train so I'm a little nervous. Growning up, when anything was hard or painful, my mother would say, "Suck it up!" Well, I'm just going to have to "suck it up" this weekend. I'll make it! I may not be the fastest or the most coordinated but I'll be the...well...I'll finish. I'm going to try to tweet while on the trip so check up on me by clicking here:





I imagine my tweets will read something like this:

Just biked 5 miles - I am ready to go home now.

I'm 15 miles in and have yet to see a roadside cocktail stand.


In other news, I thought I'd post a Fashion Friday picture. Zeca has been the Fashion Friday star so far but I know you'll appreciate this. Miguel as Bjorn Borg circa 1973.


You pay a high price when you want long hair and play sports.

Have a good weekend y'all!