Vote for Change

I've had the same blog template since I started this blog two years ago, though I have changed the header intermittently. Change is hard for me but I wanted to spruce up the place a bit and thought I'd try to find a new look. So, as I was home with a "sick" kid today, I decided to use the time to experiment with new templates and headers. I tried out all of these different things and then decided that I just wasn't ready to give up the old look. I switched back to the old template only to find that I had effed it up in a big way and couldn't figure out how to fix it. Sometimes we seek change and sometimes it is foisted on us. So, voila! The new Up Popped A Fox. There are things that I really like, like those cute little icons in the sidebar, and I like the overall layout. There are some things that I'm not terribly happy about but they are little things. So, tell me what you think. I am especially interested in your thoughts on the header. I'm thinking it may need a splash of color.